
   日期:2021-10-31     文章发布:文章发布    网络转载:生活号    
移动站源标题:http://mip.818114.com/article/item-88163.html 停电英语(英语这样学:“停电”用英语怎么说?),今天我们来看看,我们“不知道”英语“停电了”怎么说,但是,我们有英文Yahoo搜索,也“懂”一点点英语,比如no electricity,我们怎样用我们“知道”的英语在Yahoo上搜索,把英语“停电了”给找出来。,的确,既然仅我们已经“知道”英语no electricity了,为什么不把它用起来到英文Yahoo搜索中“探索发现求证”我们想要的英语“停电了”怎么说呢?,我们能不能自己解决“停电了”用英语怎么说的问题。,这就是在“互联网+”时代,我们利用“已知”英语到Yah百思特网oo“探索、发现、求证”寻求“答案”(停电了)的重要“学习力”也就是我们缺的不是“不会说”,缺的是怎么利用工具解决“不会说”能力。同时,它也是我们努力到“语言环境”中学习语言的重要表现。,一、拓展一下no electricity,“说”英语we have no electricity tonight,二、Yahoo we have no electricity tonight,三、我们找到了大量的有关英语“停电了”的“英语语言环境”。,从下面搜索到的“英语语言环境”里,你学会英语“停电了”的各种表达法了没有?,1. Whenever electricity goes out I feel like the universe is giving me permission to do nothing. No electricity? We’re basically in the stone ages. Let’s just sleep and eat and tell s百思特网tories around a campfire.,2. We lived for over a week without electricity. We have a propane cook stove, so we could cook. We also have a battery converter, so the fridge would still run.,3. What is the corr百思特网ect way to say that the electricity has come back after a power outage?,3a.The power is out.,3b.The electricity went out.,3c. We just experienced a power outage.,4. In Britain we could say The power/electricity is back on.,5. I have quite often heard the following:,5a.Power is back,5b.Power is back on/up.,5c. Power has returned,5d. Power is up.,More formally, in the news or so; Power has been restored (to the affected areas),6. Power is down.,7. The electricity supply is interrupted,所有上面的英语不仅基本解决了英语“停电了”的表达(当然还有其它一些说法,此处不赘述),还同时解决了英语“开电了”的说法。,现在,我们可以“把学过的英语用起来”,用英语学英语了(千万千万不要“英译汉”式学习)。,四、用英语学英语,练习英语口语,1. Okay.I got you.I know what to say about it.We have many many ways to say it.,2.We can say The electricity goes out/went out.,3.We can also say The power is down/out.,4.We can also say No electricity!,5. We can also say The electricity supply is interrupted,至于“开电了”,“恢复供电了”,大家自己可以参照上面的多种表达自己训练,但必须是做英译英式英语训练,不可“英译汉”。,这样的“英语学习”让你学到和获得的不仅仅只是一句英语“怎么说”,而是还同时让你掌握了如何解决“怎么说”的方法,我称之为“学习力”。,学英语,本质上就是所谓的“直接跟人买鱼,不如自己学会钓鱼”。虽然这样一开始会辛苦一点,麻烦一点,熟练之后就再也不会受制于市场:有鱼买就有吃,不卖给你就饿肚皮了,

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