
   日期:2022-07-28     文章发布:文章发布    网络转载:生活号    
核心提示:说谎的人(liar) 从前,有一个放羊娃,每天都要到村外去放羊。有一天,他闲得无聊,就想弄个事情乐一乐。于是,他就大声喊道:“狼来了,狼来了,狼要吃羊了”农民们听到悲惨的叫声,连忙放下手中的活,拿起锄头扁担去打狼。谁知,走到一看,根本没有狼,是小孩闹的笑话。农民们生气的走了。小孩子却高兴得笑的直不起腰来。之后,他又用同...



寓意:说谎失去别人的信任。那些常常说谎话的人,即是有时说的是真话,也无人相信。Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who went outside the village to herd sheep every day. One day, he was bored and wanted to have fun. So he shouted, “the wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, and the wolf is going to eat the sheep.” the farmers heard the sad cry, quickly put down their work and picked up the hoe and pole to beat the wolf. Who knows, when I came to see it, there was no wolf at all. It was a child’s joke. The farmers left angrily. The child was so happy that he couldn’t stand up. Later, he played tricks on the farmers in the same way. Once, the farmers criticized him, but he didn’t repent and laughed numbly. Later, one day, the wolf really came and ate up all the sheep. No matter how he shouted, no one paid attention to him.​

Moral: lying loses the trust of others. Those who often tell lies, even if they sometimes tell the truth, no one believes them.

烧炭人和漂洗工(Charcoal burner and rinsing worker)



Charcoal burning people live alone. It happened that a rinser moved there and became a neighborhood with him. After meeting the rinsing worker, the charcoal burner found that he was a very easy-going person, so he invited him to live with him. “In this way, our relationship will be closer,” said the charcoal burner. “Moreover, if we live together, we can save a lot of money.” the rinse declined his kindness: “this can’t be used! Because everything I bleach will be blackened by your soot immediately.”

Moral: different ways do not conspire with each other.

人与宙斯(Man and Zeus)


It is said that God is the most non-invasive, but the Japanese mi- man is It is said that the first thing God created was animals, and what he gave them was power, speed and wings. While when creating people, people are naked and have nothing. People say to GodPeople feel that the gift given to them by God is the most precious, pay tribute to the gods and walk away gratefully.

Moral: thought is the greatest gift and the most special gift given by God. Thought is also the most significant sign that people are different from animals.

人与狐狸(Man and fox)



Someone is against the fox because the fox often harms him. One day, he caught a fox and wanted to take revenge. He dipped oil in hemp skin, tied it to the fox’s tail, and lit a fire. But the gods led the fox into the man’s field. At that time, it was the harvest season. The man cried bitterly while driving the fox, because the grain in the field was burned up and nothing could be harvested.

Moral: when people are extremely angry, they often deal with things without reason, which leads to greater disasters.

人和羊人(Man and sheep man)


It is said that a long time ago, a man made friends with a sheep man. In winter, it was too cold. The man put his hand on his mouth and breathed. The sheep man asked him, what are you doing? The man replied, it’s too cold. Oh, warm up. Then they sat down to eat together. The food that had just come out of the pot was very hot. The man divided the large piece of food into small pieces and sent it to his mouth to blow. When the sheep man saw it, he asked him, what are you doing? The man replied, the food is too hot. Blow it cool before eating. The sheep man couldn’t calm down. He shook his head and said, oh, my friend, I can’t continue to communicate with you. It’s the same mouth. You can use it not only to breathe hot air, but also to blow cold air.

Moral: I can speak and speak, but I can’t win the trust of others.


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